Saturday 11 October 2014

Changes in the cotton material in mercerizing:

Mercerizing brings various types of changes in the cotton materials. Some of them discussed below:

1. Changes in fibre: Following changes take place:
a) Swelling of fibre
b) Cross section morphology changes from bean type shape to oval shape
c) Fibre length decreases due to shrinkage

2. Changes in molecule:
a) Due to swelling there is a adjustment of hydrogen bonds
b) Orientation of molecular chains i.e parallelization of chain in amorphous region as well as crystalline region along the direction of fibre length
c) Increase crystallinity
3. Chemical changes:
a) Increased rate of reaction on hydrolysis and oxidation
b) Liberation of heat during the caustic treatment (heat of sorption and heat of reaction)
c) Increase in the alkali and iodine absorption

Let us discuss various types of mercerizing:

a) Yarn Mercerization:

Yarn mercerising can be caried out in two types of yarns:

  • Grey yarn mercerizing
  • Wet mercerizing (after wet treatment such as scouring)

1. Hank mercerization :

Hank mercerization is most common mercerizing technique among the yarn mercerizing techniques. In the hank mercerizing yarn is wrapped on two adjustable rollers  so yarn will look like a hank. The yarn is moved by the turning of the rollers, with penetration of the alkali, application of tension and rinsing occurring automatically. 

In this, one cycle takes about three to five minutes, and four to eight kilo grams can be treated at one time. In the latest machines, all operations are automated, including control of the alkaline solution's concentration and temperature and the addition and recovery of the alkali, along with application of tension on the yarn and rinsing. 

Advantage: An advantage of hank mercerization is that during the yarn's absorption of the alkali, treatment can be carried out without tension, and so the alkali solution is able to penetrate the inside of the yarn sufficiently, and after the fibers have swelled sufficiently, any level of tension can be applied and the yarn rinsed for removal of the alkali. This allows the production of goods with satisfactory mercerization effects. 

Disadvantage: However, if the winding or the handling of the hank is inappropriate, disarrangement of the lengths of yarn in one loop can result in different tensions, leading to uneven mercerization, which can often result in patchy dyeing. 

Another problem in hank mercerization is that conventional rinsing after mercerization is insufficient, and without neutralization through separate rinsing with hot water, the remaining alkali can cause problems. 

Steps for Hank mercerizing:

Following steps are taken for hank mercerizing: 

Loading yarn on the rollers-----------> Lowering of rollers-----------> Caustic tray movement --------> Pre tensioning-------------> Free shrinkage----------> Lye tensioning--------> Squeezing---------. Washing tray movement---------->First wash and tensioning----------> Second wash-------> Third wash------->Final wash-------> Squeezing-------> Lifting of rollers------> Unloading yarns

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