Monday, 13 October 2014

2. Cheese mercerization 

Cheese mercerising is not as popular as Hank mercerizing. As in in this type, mercerization is carried in cheese form, full mercerization is not possible. 

Another problem associated with this type of mercerization is that there is no control of shrinkage inside and outside of the yarn wrapped on cheese.

3. Single-end mercerization 

In this case mercerizing is carried out on yarn in continuous process. The mercerizing may be cone to cone or cheese to cheese. Following process flow is adopted for mercerizing:

  • Yarn (cone or cheese form) is passes through the alkali solution
  • Rinsing with hot and cold water
  • Neutralisation
  • Rinsing
  • Drying
  • Mercerized yarn taken on Cheese or cone

Disadvantages: As in such type of mercerizing only single end of yarn is mercerized at around  450m/min, the productivity per machine is low. The machine is  costlier. 

Advantages: As the process sequence is automated in this machine, it only requires a very small number of staff. A problem in this form of mercerization is the relative difficulty of controlling the tension on the yarn as it is introduced, and differences in the level of tension between machines and between cheeses or cones can occur easily and lead to patchy dyeing. Other problems relate to yarn breakage, yarn overlap, and yarn skewing. Yarn count also influence the performance of this type of mercerizing. It is difficult to mercerized single fine count yarn. 

1 comment:

  1. A specialised testing equipment called an Ozone Test Chamber is used to evaluate how resistant rubber, polymers, and other materials are to exposure to ozone.
