Tuesday 5 April 2022

 Need of Protective Work-Wear for Workers of Indian Cement

  • November 2021

Cement demand is closely linked to country's economic development, particularly in the infrastructure and housing businesses. The main growth factors for the cement industry are higher government spending on infrastructure and housing and increasing per capita income. This study aims to review and analyze the current status of cement industry with respect to the risks associated with the health of the workers involved. This study aims to provide guidelines,on how to control and on the areas to be focused by the employer for their better health and safety performance. Not only is it dangerous to work with dry cement, even wet cement can damage the skin because it is caustic, abrasive, and extracts moisture from the skin. India is world's second largest cement producer, and the demand for cement is further increasing due to its various applications.There are no specific protective work wear standards in India for the cement workers. The available work wear is inadequate to protect the workers from the dry or wet cement. Thousands of cement workers work under difficult hot, cold and humid climatic conditions without any protective work wear. This results in multiple health problems at the workplace. The present paper stresses on the need of a safe work wear for cement workers in India.

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