Saturday 13 December 2014

High Pressure Kier with multitubular heater:

The modern high pressure kier with multitubular heater is also known as  Walsh's kier and one of the best kier. The 2 ton capacity kier is most common which is about 9 ft high and 6.5 ft in diameter and mounted on R.C.C Coloumn. The kier works at working pressure 40 lb/sq inch at 141 degree C and is composed of mild steel plates. The kier is provided with pressure gauge, safety valve, blow off valve for air, steam trap, liquor level indicator, drain cock etc.
The goods in rope form are plaited either manually or mechanically plaiting on the perforated false bottom. The cloth can be saturated with alkaline solution containing the recipe as given above with figure.

During piling sufficient scouring liquor is   added to the kier from the below to remove entrapped air from the goods to avoid the formation of oxycellulose. The lid is then closed but air valve is kept open. Steam is turned on and the liquor is circulated by centrifugal pump coupled to an electric motor. High pressure kier operate at about 8 to 10 hours with liquor ratio 1:3 to 1:5 (MLR). After scouring the drain cock is opened at reduced pressure (5 to 6 lb/sq meter) and equivalent amount of hot water is added from the top. After circulating cold water the goods are removed and washed in a rope washing machine. The liquor is withdrawn from the bottom of the kier and forced through the heater and spread over top of the load by distributor. Fabric which are to be sold in white state are given two boils and the fabric intended for printing single boil is sufficient.

 Following precaution should be taken while using kier:
  • Kier should be clean
  • Material should be packed evenly.
  • No air packed should be formed
  • The fabric should be in liquor completely.

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