Sunday 18 January 2015

How to prepare polyester cotton blended fabric for dyeing?

If the fabric contains polyeset and cotton blends then we have to scour it as we do in the case of cotton scouring. For this purpose 2-3% owf sodium hydroxide  may be used depending upon the percentage of cotton in the blends at boil for 45 minutes. For example if the blend contain 50% Polyester and 50% cotton and total weight of the fabric is 100 grams. Then there will be 50 gram of cotton in the blend. If we used 3% Sodium hydroxide on weight of fabric (owf) then the total NaOH required will be 1.5 gram.

How to prepare polyester viscose blended fabric for dyeing?

As polyester and viscose both are manmade fibres, there is no need to do vigrous scouring like cotton, which has natural impurties. In that case light scouring is needed, in which detergent may be used to remove oil stains.